5 Easy Ways to Take Action on Your Startup Ideas
By Colin C. Campbell
May 30, 2024
5 Easy Ways to Take Action on Your Startup Ideas

Have you ever heard about a new business or service and thought, “Wait, I had the same idea years ago!” It can feel like you lost a million—or a billion dollars.

In the book Start. Scale. Exit. Repeat., I share the story of how my business partners and I had a great idea—but failed to take action. While on a business trip in Ukraine in 2006, we were lamenting how difficult it could be to find a taxi while traveling, especially in a place you don’t know so well.

Eureka! The idea struck us: What if we created an app that could use GPS technology to find the nearest taxi, hail it for you, and then you could watch its progress on the app? No more wasted time at a street corner!


Read Colin C. Campbell's full article on Forbes!

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5 Easy Ways to Take Action on Your Startup Ideas
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